Greater Boston Watch and Clock Collectors
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Yangtze River Restaurant
584 King Street (Rt. 110)
Littleton, MA
Phone: (978) 486-0500

We can arrive at the meeting anytime after 6:00pm.

There will be a cash bar. Around 7pm we will have an all you can eat Chinese buffet. After dinner the presentation will start. We must be out of the room by 9:00pm.

Tyler has prepared an informal talk on Breguet. He recently visited their museum in Paris.

I have told them to expect ten of us. Please RSVP in the event there will be more attending.

We had a very good meeting last time with about 15 present to hear a very interesting talk by Bob Frischman on Rufus Porter.

It is off exit 31 on 495 on Great Road. Its very near the IBM plant.

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